Archive for March 14, 2009

Just wondering

Posted in Uncategorized on March 14, 2009 by cockett1

This is just an ‘I wonder’ blog, a thinking out loud. I have heard and read a lot about conversions to Eastern Orthodoxy over the past two years. The stories are both fascinating and intriguing. What attracts people from all church background – Methodist, evangelical, baptist, brethren and non-denominational – to search for that something more that they can’t find in their own church?  The answers usually revolve around two centres. The first concerns the lack of depth and reverence in worship. Although the seekers value the emphasis on evangelism in their own particular denominations and the knowledge of the Bible, they bemoan the lack of reverence and an element of mystery. They also express concern at the leaning towards ‘entertainment’ as a means of attracting outsiders.

The second regards theology or more accurately ecclesiology. Having read particular biased versions of the Bible over the years and a history which dates back to the Reformation and then jumps back to the first century, the seekers are amazed to discover (or rediscover) that there was a ministerial structure of priests (or presbyters) deacons and bishops from the very beginning. Also, that tradition is not all bad or negative but was actually responsible for keeping the Word of God alive until the Church authorized the key texts that today make up the New Testament. This elevation of the Church over the Bible (yet answerable to it) comes s a huge shock to everyone and gives an authenticity to the Orthodox Church that was previously overlooked or unnoticed.

However, given all this, it is noticeable that those converting come from a church background not a secular one. They don’t come from nowhere but somewhere. Is it because the Orthodox Church can take Christians deeper but has no appeal to those who are seeking for understanding or faith? Is this where it falls down and fails? Is this why so many are converting from existing churches which are good at communicating the faith to non-believers but not to those who won’t go near church in the first place? Just thinking and wondering.